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The War Memorial in Fordham on the corner of Ponders Road and Moat Road records the names of men who lost their lives in WW1 and WW2 conflicts. These are men who had a connection to our village. They may have been born here or came to live here. They have a link to Fordham and should be remembered.

Omissions were discovered during our WW1 Community project and these names were added to the war memorial in May 2017. Click on the link below to read about our centenary project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Over the next few months we will be adding data about each of our men who are now recorded together on the memorial. Click on a name and this will take you to individual soldier's record and the given page numbers of where you can find out more about him in the book. Hover over the names to reveal the data.


On the War Memorial in 1919

b&w war memorial
names on memorial

Added in 2017 more WW1 casualties


World War Two

James Bugg

Douglas Edward Cudmore

John Albert Hewitt

John Arthur Treby


Civilian Emma Dale

The War Memorial was built in 1919 by Frank William Clampin who lived at Stone Cottage Fordham.


The memorial was built from subscriptions collected from the villagers. George Playle donated land on the corner of Ponders Road next to the village stores.


The war memorial was originally a clock tower, but the clock was removed in the 1970's and replaced with a carved cross.

Listed here are the names of the men of Fordham known to us who served in WW1 and returned. This list has derived from online history sites and should not be viewed as the definitive list. There will be discrepancies and omissions which we shall amend as more names are shared with us.


Arthur Joseph Appleby, George Cowlin Appleby, Frank Arnold, Edward Ernest Bailey, Charles Beard, Edward Beard, Bryan Bull, Harry Beard,                        Arthur Claude Bunton, George Ernest Cant, Frank Clampin, Arthur Abram Chaplin, Percy Charles Chaplin,  Ernest Chinnery, Ernest George Clarke,

William Charles Davey M.M. , Arthur (George) Everitt, Henry Wilfred Hopping, Edward Neep, Leonard Neep, Walter William Nice, John (Jack) Perry,

Thomas Mostyn Pettican, Clifford Pudney, Bertie Rayner, Charles Stanley Rayner, Edgar William Rideout, George Sadler, Arthur Lewis Southernwood, Bertie Southernwood, James William Southernwood, Oliver Golden Southernwood, George Edgar Southernwood, David Oliver Taylor, Edward Walter Taylor, Edgar Aquila Waters, Ephraim Waters, Frederick Eli Webber, Morris Alexander Webber, Sydney William White, William Wright.

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